Madden Health and Safety Management Ltd. are a specialist provider of a range of Health and Safety Services which are ideal for SME’s and Start-up Businesses who need a Safety Statement, a Safety Compliant Workplace and to Protect themselves from Litigation.
Your H&S department outsourced
The service has been designed specifically for SME’s that do not employ a full time Health and Safety Manager. However, they have recognised the need to have Health and Safety managed on a daily basis. By using our services they can ensure that the company is protected in so far as is possible from litigation and official sanction.
The ultimate goal for healthandsafetymanager.ie is to help employers to protect their employees, reduce risk in general, reduce insurance costs and ultimately pay for itself by reducing risk related overheads within the SME.
Safety Management Support & Services
By subscribing to the full service you get a dedicated consultant for your business, who will deliver your safety training, carry out your risk assessments, record, investigate and analyse your accidents, liaise with your insurers; essentially do everything an internal Health and Safety Manager would.
You also have access to a web site providing essential Health and Safety information and giving you access to all your records via a secure server.
HealthandSafetymanager.ie was founded in 2006 by Derek Madden and is the web presence for Madden Health and Safety Management Ltd.
With a range of experience working in the industry he realised that while most large companies were able to employ a full-time Health and Safety specialist, smaller companies simply could not afford to, so Health & Safety Manager.ie was set up to solve the heath and safety requirements for SME’s who do not need a full-time H&S Manager but still need to comply with the requirement of Law, Insurance and their Moral obligations.
Derek and his team assist in any specialist areas. Derek has been working in the area of Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment since 1993.